Serving Our Community For Over 15 Years
Serving Our Community For Over 15 Years
The contemporary man is forced to manage many complicated role demands and expectations. We can help you gain tools needed to identify and manage healthy emotions and behaviors. By creating a new paradigm to define who you are in today's society you will have greater career and relationship success.
Today's women are faced with conflicting expectations and social pressures. Find balance through setting healthy boundaries and improving your self care. Discover your strengths while letting go of your inner critic allowing yourself to experience joy and fulfillment.
All families are unique as is each person within them. Family Therapy offers an opportunity for each member to communicate their needs and emotions while learning to respect and understand the feelings and needs of the other members. Our therapists provide a safe and secure environment promoting positive growth and healing to each individual member while working together as a whole family unit.
Helping couples establish greater understanding and enhancing deeper connections with one another. Couples first need to be friends who support one another's future goals and create a shared meaning for their lives together. As a team, you must be able to manage conflict and fight fair. Trust can be restored through improved communication, problem solving and building stable intimate relationships.
The life of a teen is complex and often misunderstood. In a world of modern technology and advanced social media, you may feel your teen is hard to reach. Giving your teen a safe place to explore and talk about life and the challenges they face can help them gain more skills for independence and having their voice heard. You are not alone. Growing up is not easy, but we are here to support you and your teen through all these changes.
Play Therapy is to children what talk therapy is to adults. Play Therapy utilizes children's inherent and natural mode of emotional expression, play, to encourage healing, resolution, and positive self growth. Our Play Therapists are trained to provide an emotionally safe environment encouraging children to confront, conquer, and master their fears, anxieties, and concerns.
Sandtray Therapy, Expressive Arts Therapy, and Psychodrama are a few of the activities our therapists incorporate with older children, teens, and adults. Therapy Activities provide an alternative to traditional talk therapy when an individual feels "stuck" and/or when these methods of self expression feel more "safe" in communicating strong or overwhelming experiences.
Our therapists recognize that for full healing and growth to occur within a child, parent/caregiver involvement is key. Combining parent coaching and relationship based training with child therapy allows parents to become a part of the healing process thus encouraging a more fulfilling, supportive, and satisfying relationship to both parent and child.
Family Connections Counseling is the space and support services to the mental health providers in this office. No partnership or other business entity relationship exists between Family Connections Counseling and these providers. Each independent licensed therapist who offices at Family Connections Counseling is solely responsible for the services they provide and the manner in which they are performed and are not agents or employees of Family Connections Counseling.